Professional learning is a vital part to the ongoing upskilling of teachers. We provide professional learning workshops for primary and secondary teachers and education assistants. The range of topics is vast; however, our philosophy is that mathematics should be taught for understanding using a hands-on problem-solving approach.

Classroom Corner is an hour-long workshop that is delivered face-to-face and virtually. The workshop is hands-on, and you leave with an idea you can use the next day. Think of Classroom Corners as an opportunity to grab a coffee and network with others.

Our workshops are conducted face-to-face or virtually. The workshops are conducted during and after school hours and range from one hour to full day. Classroom Corners are offered face-to-face and virtually, a few days later. Participants in workshops, face-to-face or virtually, will be engaging in hands on activities and discussions.

MAWA individual members and all staff of MAWA institutional members receive discounted prices for professional learning. Classroom Corners are free to MAWA members. All participants receive a professional learning certificate that outlines the AITSL standards addressed as part of the workshop.