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Upcoming Events

Unlocking the Mysteries of Fractions: A Comprehensive Workshop for Educators

This workshop delves into the core of fraction concepts including the five meanings of fractions, the concept of the whole, using number lines, exploring equivalence and calculating without rules.


8:30am, October 3, 2024


Member Price$280.01
Non-Member Price$373.00


About us

The Mathematical Association of Western Australia (MAWA) Inc.,

is a not-for-profit organisation whose goal is to improve mathematics education across the state.

Originating as a teacher professional association in 1958, MAWA has grown into a vibrant organisation that provides support for anyone with an interest in mathematics including teachers, parents and students.


Our Executive talks about MAWA on YouTube

Donate and help MAWA support young minds

Please note:
MAWA is not endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR)
and therefore donations are not tax deductible.