MAWA can facilitate a variety of in school professional learning options. We work with individual schools and networks or clusters of schools. Professional learning workshops can be modified to meet the needs of the school or network. Workshops are designed to cater for a variety of audiences including teachers, education assistants, parents and students. Location throughout WA is not a barrier as we provide professional learning and consultancy in person or virtually.
Professional learning options can include:
- One off workshop after school hours
- Series of workshops after school hours
- Half day or full day workshops
- Consultancy meetings (phone or zoom)
- Classroom demonstration lessons
- Parent information evening presentations
We encourage schools and networks to book early to maximise the chance of securing the dates you wish.
Please contact Paula McMahon for enquiries.
Below are some examples of the workshops that have been presented.
- Growth Mindset in the Mathematics Classroom
- Hands on Measurement – Primary
- Investigation writing and marking keys
- Lesson design
- Lesson Warm-Ups
- Multiplicative Thinking
- Number Talks
- Problem solving ideas and strategies (PP – Lower Secondary)
- Problem solving strategies
- Teaching Basic Facts using Games
- Teaching using the Mathematical Thinking Process (Non-ATAR)
- Using card games in the classroom
- Using concrete materials in the secondary classroom
- Using Maths 300
- Using open-ended tasks to differentiate
- Using reSolve activities
- Writing ATAR investigations
- Writing Essential Assessments