Winners Announced for the 2016 Governor’s School STEM Awards

The importance of STEM education was emphasised in an awards ceremony when Her Excellency the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia, announced the winners of the 2016 Governor’s School STEM Awards at a ceremony held at Government House on Thursday, 24 November 2016.

The presentation ceremony was attended by representatives from the ten finalist schools, and leaders in education.

The Awards, now in their second year, recognise the support and commitment of school principals and leadership teams in developing their schools’ science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education programs.

“Support from school leadership is so important for the success of any school programs,” Her Excellency said. “With the help and support of many others I established the Governor’s School STEM Awards to raise awareness of the importance of STEM education among school leadership, and to encourage them to support their teachers in undertaking STEM initiatives.”

The Governor is a great supporter of STEM education, having completed a Bachelor of Science with a double major in mathematics.

“We owe it to our young people to ensure they are prepared for the workforce of the future,” Her Excellency said, “Every student can and should be engaged in STEM subjects. This study develops the ability to ask questions, collect information, problem-solve and apply what we learn. These are the skills young people will need as they enter a workforce, where the ability to retrain and up-skill will be a key requirement.”

The Awards are delivered by a coordinating committee led by the Office of Science within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, with representatives from the Department of Education, Catholic Education Western Australia, the Association of Independent Schools, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, the Science Teachers Association of Western Australia, the Mathematical Association of Western Australia, and Scitech. The Governor thanked the committee members and the independent judges for their support in the awards.

The winners and finalists in each category were:


Primary School Category

Leadership Excellence Award (winner): St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School – Junior School (Karrinyup)

Meritorious Leadership Award (runner-up): Rosalie Primary School (Shenton Park)

st-marys-web St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School – Junior School 

rosalie-web Rosalie Primary School (Shenton Park)

Finalist: Parkwood Primary School (Parkwood)

Finalist: Penrhos College – Junior School (Como)

Finalist: Perth College – Junior School (Mt Lawley)

Secondary School Category

Leadership Excellence Award (winner): John Curtin College of the Arts (Fremantle)

Meritorious Leadership Award (runner-up): Ashdale Secondary College (Darch)

johncurtinweb John Curtin College of the Arts (Fremantle)

ashdale Ashdale Secondary College (Darch)

Finalist: Como Secondary College (Como)

Finalist: Penrhos College – Senior School (Como)

Finalist: Perth Modern School (Subiaco)


For more information contact Emma Veenema, Office of Science on 6552 5753 or