Vale Roland Mortlock (1932 – 2019)

Members will be saddened to hear of the passing of Roly Mortlock. He was an unsung hero of mathematics education in Western Australia. He earned an Honours degree in mathematics from UWA and a PhD from the University of Michigan.

Roly made sustained and substantial contributions to mathematics education generally and to the Mathematical Association of WA in particular. He initiated the Master of Science Education (Mathematics) at UWA in the 1970s which had a significant impact on many of the foremost mathematics educators in WA, including those who then went on to make important contributions as staff members at Murdoch University; Curtin University; TAFE; and the Claremont, Graylands and Mount Lawley Teachers’ Colleges, which later became ECU

He was truly a Mathematics Education pioneer who will be fondly remembered by those that knew him personally, and sadly missed by all.