Here in WA, products and services are difficult to source in our regional areas due to our state’s size. In an effort to ensure that MAWA’s products and services can be of value state-wide, we are always on the look out for Regional Ambassadors.

The role of a regional ambassador is an important one. Here are some of the ways regional ambassadors support MAWA within their regions:

  • Advocate for MAWA by promoting MAWA & AAMT, including MAWA membership, activities, and professional learning within the region;
  • Run a Have Sum Fun competition within the region, enlisting the support from surrounding schools;
  • Identify professional learning gaps and requirements within the region and gather interest for MAWA professional learning to be delivered; and
  • Promote and advertise MAWA’s parent and student opportunities within the region.

There are a number of benefits in being an ambassador, so if you are interested in making a difference please submit your interest to

For more information, please click here.

Brandon Docking, together with Ngaire Satre, were regional ambassadors for the Pilbara from 2022-2024.

Click on the button to learn more about Brandon’s experience as a regional ambassador.