Email: president@mawa.edu.au
Education is Donna’s passion. She believes that with a creative and curious education we can inspire the future generation, dream of solutions, build equity amongst people and improve society. Her leadership purpose is to build the technical and mathematical capabilities of people to live well, protect the integrity of our society, and improve the environment. Her work connects the dots between industry needs and the education community.
A level three mathematics teacher at Bob Hawke College, she was the 2023 recipient of the Australian Prime Ministers Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools for her work to inspire students with diverse, creative backgrounds, by applying mathematics to real-world problems and introducing them to future career opportunities in STEM.

Rachael is the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics specialist at ACARA and is currently undertaking her PhD at Notre Dame University in Mathematics Education. Rachael is passionate about applied mathematics and teaching mathematics through rich tasks that engage student inquiry thinking. Rachael has worked on National and International projects focussed on improving the mathematical outcomes of Australian students and has actively participated in the OECD 2030 project through her role at ACARA. Rachael has been the Executive Officer and Professional Learning consultant for MAWA and is currently on the Memberships and Media Sub-committee managing the social media and promotion of MAWA across WA.

Robert has over 20 years of teaching experience having taught the majority of these in the Great Southern region where currently he is the Head of Department at Albany SHS. Rob’s aim is to create classrooms where mathematics is made sense of and errors are valued. He believes that all students can learn, and that mastery is possible with the appropriate effort and time. Rob enjoys using low-floor/high-ceiling task with students and is constantly amazed where students go mathematically with these tasks. Being the MAWA Regional Ambassador for the Great Southern region provides Rob with a great opportunity to connect with the wonderful maths teachers in the area. He would like to foster greater collegiality between the mathematics teachers in the district who have a wealth of experience and expertise and to assist in providing opportunities for students to have positive experiences in mathematics through the support of MAWA.

Rachel is a Secondary Mathematics teacher at Lesmurdie SHS. She has been a volunteer for the Australian Mathematics Trust since 2012, is currently the WA State Director of the AMC and is working on the Discovery Series as a presenter. Rachel also teaches an online Gauss class for the WA Maths Problem Solving Program, which is a great initiative of MAWA. She has run workshops at different times, for students and teachers, including presenting at State and National Conferences, and her main focus is problem solving. Early in her career Rachel co-wrote a series of text books and more recently has been involved with writing worked solutions for current Year 12 text books.
She has 19 years experience teaching students remotely. Her work has seen her teach students all over Western Australia, as well as those studying the WA Curriculum but living in Europe and the US. One of Rachel’s goals each lesson is to ensure that students are actively involved in Mathematics, that they are doing concrete activities in class and moving around the room to different workstations or to participate in diverse activities. It is Rachel’s aim to engage students in Problem Solving, building skills that they will carry with them when they leave school. In 2020 Rachel joined the MAWA Board and is looking forward to being part of the Student Activities Committee.

Julie is the Director of IETPL, the WA owned and operated publisher of “Numero”, a world class mental maths game. As the daughter of Numero’s creator, she has been involved with the game since its inception 28 years ago. Julie also runs the Interschool Numero® Challenges each year, for both primary and secondary schools.
She has a Bachelor of Education (BEd) from Murdoch University, having previously worked as a Special Needs Education Assistant.
Julie runs professional learning for staff, as well as student or parent workshops to instruct, develop and promote the use of Numero in all areas of maths education.

Sheila is a Primary Mathematics Consultant based in Mandurah, Western Australia. She has an extensive and impactful career in primary mathematics education, having served as a classroom teacher, Numeracy Coach, Deputy Principal, Project Officer for Money Smart (financial literacy), tutor, and Numeracy Consultant. Sheila’s dedication to enhancing mathematics teaching and learning is evident through her diverse roles and achievements.
Sheila has been recognized for her excellence in teaching, receiving the prestigious CHOOSEMATHS awards for Excellence in Teaching and Outstanding Primary Teacher of the Year from the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI). She also received a Commonwealth Bank award for her work on a whole-school approach to teaching financial literacy.
Beyond the classroom, Sheila shares her insights on podcasts and at conferences around Australia, further enriching the mathematics teaching community. She has also collaborated on publications like “Teaching Mathematics Through Story Books” and “Mathematics and Picture Books in Early Childhood,” showcasing her innovative approach to making mathematics accessible and engaging for young learners.
Sheila is a board director of the Mathematical Association of Western Australia and a panel member for the Ecstra Foundation Financial Education.

A Londoner by birth, Alan attended Bristol University and taught in the Bristol area for a number of years, quickly rising to Head of Department. Moving to Perth, he taught at Rossmoyne SHS for many years. Alan is the author of over 50 school mathematics books and has presented many sessions at MAWA conferences and elsewhere.

Vesife Hatisaru is Lecturer in the School of Education at Edith Cowan University and lead the Mathematics Education research from January 2021.
She was educated at Dicle, Baskent and Middle East Technical Universities, where she completed a Bachelor, Masters, and eventually PhD degrees, all three are in Mathematics Education. After ten years teaching mathematics in secondary comprehensive schools in Mardin and Ankara, she became a teacher educator and researcher.
Vesife has worked on the mathematics pedagogy aspects of teacher education at Hacettepe and Baskent Universities in Turkey, and then at the University of Tasmania in Tasmania, where she has also completed her Post Doctoral Training in Mathematics Education.
Vesife’s main research theme is mathematical knowledge for teaching and its impact on student learning outcomes, with a specific focus on algebra.

Adam Inder is a Senior Researcher at the Australian Education Research Organisation. He has led work developing research and guidance for schools to support students who enter secondary school without having developed foundational literacy and numeracy skills. Starting out as a maths and science teacher, Adam went on to become a secondary school deputy principal in socioeconomically disadvantaged Perth schools. He has been a School Board Deputy Chair, a TEDx speaker, and is currently working towards a PhD, researching at how generative AI can support disadvantaged schools. In 2023, Adam was awarded the Australian Council for Educational Leaders’ “WA Certificate of Excellence in Educational Leadership Award”.
Twitter: @AdamInder
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adaminder/

Kylie is a Lecturer in Mathematics and Science Education at Murdoch University and teaches across the undergraduate and postgraduate primary and secondary education courses. Kylie is committed to supporting pre-service teachers to become passionate, knowledgeable and creative mathematics teachers. Her research interests lie in finding ways to address mathematics hesitancy and to bridge gaps in mathematics knowledge and skills in students at the beginning of their tertiary education, to ensure they are well-prepared for success in their chosen fields of study.