Spring into TEAMP October 10, 2016

TEAMP is a unique community in that it focuses on the Teaching of English and Mathematics (TEAMP) and their interconnection in learning. I attach the flyer and the program.

This is a full day of professional learning with an opportunity for teachers to attend face-to-face at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) or attend from remote locations locally, nationally or from anywhere around the globe.  Teachers  accessing the session online can attend one or more sessions during the day through Adobe Connect videoconferencing platform. They can attend as an individual or as a group professional learning on the day.  You will need to note the time zones shown in the program.

Spring into TEAMP Day in 2016 provides an opportunity for teachers to learn from education leaders and experts face-to-face or online. All recordings and resources will be available on the TEAMP community website:www.teamp.vic.edu.au . Membership to TEAMP is free.

Registration details to attend the event at ACMI are on the event website www.springinto.teamp.vic.edu.au.
Attendance online to Spring into TEAMP through Adobe Connect is free. All Attendees must register. Details are on the Spring into TEAMP website.

CONTACT : Event Manager Julie Allen  EMAIL:  jallen@mav.vic.edu.au

Click here for the Flyer

Click here for the Program