Maths Statistics Professional Development – LIVE!

Statistics in Context (Professional Development) will run on Tuesday 8th November from 1-5pm at Murdoch University.  We will be accepting no more than 100 teachers.


This is a collaborative effort between Murdoch University and The Mathematical Association of Western Australia.



The timetable is as follows:


Time Activity Location
1.00-1.20pm Registration Robertson Lecture Theatre Courtyard
1.30-1.40pm Welcome Robertson Lecture Theatre
1.40-2.20pm Emeritus A/Prof Ken Harrison – Overview of the new ATAR Mathematics Curriculum
2.20pm-2.40pm Where is statistics used in the real world?
2.40pm-3.00pm Afternoon Tea Robertson Lecture Theatre Courtyard
3.15pm-3.45pm Workshop 1: Time Series OR Surveys, sampling & confidence intervals LL2.002, LL2.004, SS2.051, SS2.052
3.50pm-4.20pm Workshop 2: Surveys, sampling & confidence intervals OR Time Series
4.30pm-5.00pm Wrap up, final discussion & evaluation Hill Lecture Theatre


For more information, please visit