In partnership with Curtin’s School of Education and Penrhos College
MAWA presents
Maths Empowering Girls Day
“Maths only opens doors to opportunities and never closes them because you use Maths in everything.” ~Year 9 student
The annual Maths Empowering Girls day enables Year 9 girls to recognise the amazing opportunities available from studying higher level maths.
Join us at Curtin University for a day designed to help girls appreciate the value of maths and mathematical thinking.
This special event, a collaboration of The Mathematical Association of Western Australia with Curtin’s School of Education and Professional Learning Hub for Educators, offers an exciting program of inspirational speakers and maths activities.
Participants will meet professionals in mathematics and related disciplines who are passionate about its study and application. They will also meet hundreds of like-minded students from across Perth.
“Study above what you think you need and do it to the best of your ability so that you will succeed at whatever you try.”
~ Year 9 student
“Yesterday’s Maths Empowering Girls day was certainly the icing on the cake, particularly as it was held at Curtin University and the girls got a taste of campus life. The Keynote speakers and the individual sessions were thought provoking and well received by the girls, enabling them to truly appreciate the importance of studying higher maths at school. The MAWA and Curtin staff at the event were wonderfully engaged with the students and it was much appreciated to have a Helper assigned to Iona throughout the day. So on behalf of the Iona community thank you for another terrific year of MAWA events.”
~Secondary Maths Teacher, Iona Presentation College
Wednesday 26 November 2025
8:30am – 2:30pm
Curtin University, Bentley
Cost (per student): $26 members & $41.50 non-members
(includes showbag, shirt and morning tea. Lunch is BYO)
Limited to ten Year 9 girl students
*This event is a special measure that has been taken in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA).