Title: Mrs

Year Awarded: 2023

Donna Buckley became a member in 2016. She has held the positions of committee member, board director, student activities committee member and MTQ coordinator. Donna is a regular presenter at our annual maths conference, volunteers her time at our annual maths expo and has co-authored various MAWA publications. Donna continues her involvement with MAWA by being a board director in the role of President Elect. 


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 2023
Deceased: 2019

Dr Roly Mortlock joined the MAWA committee in 1970 and was president of MAWA from 1971 – 1973 and again in 1975. He continued as an active committee member long after he finished his time as President. During his time with MAWA, Roly was a regular contributor to the Mathematics Students Gazette (1966-1990) and supported the editors and contributors to Rhombus (1973–1987) an early MAWA journal. Along with co-authoring a few MAWA publications, he was also an early collaborator on The Australian Mathematics Teacher and was an important member of the group responsible for the first AAMT conference in Perth in 1976.


Title: Ms

Year Awarded: 2018

Lorraine Day became a member in 1976. She has held the positions of vice president, president, AAMT councillor and conference convenor. Lorraine convened the first Bunbury conference in 1991, where she was required to move the conference from Brady’s, in Mandurah, to Bunbury with 24 hours’ notice. Lorraine has acted as editor of the AAMT journal Primary Mathematics Classroom. She continues her involvement with MAWA with being involved in the presentation of professional learning and writer.


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 2017

Greg Hurn has been the publications convener of MAWA for 21 years, in two separate stints. Greg and MAWA have been involved with hundreds of publications, from student textbooks and teacher resources to TEE examination solution booklets. He has assisted the changes in publications to now include exam papers and digital publications. Greg has also worked in other areas conducting professional development and MC at various maths competitions. (2018)


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 2017

Immediate Past President of MAWA and Life Member.
Rom Cirillo first had contact with MAWA, in 1967, was as a student attending the UWA/MAWA mathematics summer school. In 1974/75 he was a resident tutor for the summer school. Rom has been involved in National Mathematic Summer School (NMSS) and the Year 10 Games Camp. In 1996 Rom had the role of sponsorships convenor. Rejoining the Committee in 2009, he has held the positions of Vice President, President, AAMT Councillor and convenor of conferences including HOLA day convenor. Rom has co-ordinated, edited and co-authored numerous publications for MAWA. He has also represented MAWA on numerous working parties and was the initial MAWA representative on the advisory committee for the Governor of WA’s award for school leadership in STEM subjects.


Title: Mrs

Year Awarded: 2016

Paula McMahon became a MAWA member in 1998. She has presented workshops at many conferences and conventions in WA, NSW, Victoria and Tasmania, however, always enjoyed the residential conferences in Bunbury and Busselton. Paula joined the committee in 2009 as a member of the professional learning team. In 2010 she convened the first State Conference held in Busselton and then continued as conference and convention convenor until 2015. In 2017 Paula was elected as President Elect and is the currently President of MAWA. Paula has written several publications for MAWA.


Title: Dr

Year Awarded: 2015

Dr Paul Swan was a member of the MAWA committee as the publications coordinator. He has edited Math Math World and Mathmag for over 25 years and contributed to many other MAWA publications, including taking on the role of editor of this 60th Anniversary Edition of Cross Section. He was president of the association from 2003 to 2004.


Title: Ms

Year Awarded: 2015

Michelle Ostberg joined the committee in 2000. Her roles on the committee include Secondary PD Convenor, Publications, Vice President and then President 2007 to 2009. Michelle has supported multiple conference and written and edited many MAWA publications since 1998. Michelle was the WA AAMT councillor representative for several years during her involvement on the committee. She was the organiser for the 50th celebration that was held at the University Club of WA.


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 2015

Richard Korbosky was an active member of MAWA and was bestowed life membership in 2015.


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 2011

Mark Graber was an active member of MAWA and was bestowed life membership in 2011.


Title: Mrs

Year Awarded: 2006

Sheila Byfield first joined MAWA in 1967 after joining the UWA Maths Department, but lost contact in the 1970s. Sheila re-joined MAWA in the early 1980s, joining the Student Activities Panel and organised the Math-O-Quest project competition for years 8-10 for several years. When the “new” Year 11-12 courses were introduced in 1990, Sheila wrote notes that were published by MAWA. Sheila held the position of Secretary until 1995. She attended all the conferences at Brady’s in Mandurah, Bunbury and Busselton, giving workshops each year, and in 2000 was the opening speaker. When MAWA moved to Mirrabooka Sheila was instrumental in re-establishing the library and she continues this work today.


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 2005

Ray Leeman first joined MAWA in 1967 after joining the UWA Maths Department, but lost contact in the 1970s.


Title: Dr

Year Awarded: 2003

Dr Thelma Perso became involved with MAWA after 17 years of classroom teaching and as head of department. Thelma was on the Professional Development Committee, followed by time on the Policy Panel when she became President of MAWA from 1998-2001. Her volunteer work for MAWA included the writing and development of over 30 books for publication, which later played a big role in generating funds needed to enable MAWA to buy its own shopfront – a giant step forward for the organisation.


Title: Ms

Year Awarded: 2002

Jillian Neale was an active member of MAWA and was bestowed life membership in 2002.


Title: Ms

Year Awarded: 2000

Fran Ciupryk was a very active member of the MAWA committee continuously from 1984-1998. During that time she had a number of roles including Vice President, conference convenor, a member of the PD planning committee and joint coordinator for the annual MAD – the Mathematics Activity Day. From 1987-89 Fran was the MAWA Councillor on AAMT and was the Vice President of AAMT for eight years from 1990-97.


Title: Miss

Year Awarded: 1996
Deceased: 2023

Jill Hughes was an active member of MAWA and was bestowed life membership in 1996. Jill was a former President of MAWA and she made major contributions to the activities of the Association. She was one of the authors of the ground breaking publication, 60 Mathematical Investigations. She worked very closely with Edith Biggs, the former Her Majesty’s Inspector of Mathematics who was a major consultant to the project of revising the Primary Mathematics Syllabus in the mid-1970s.


Title: Dr

Year Awarded: 1996

Barry Bastow attended the inaugural Mathematics Games Weekend at Point Walter in 1973 and instantly became a supporter of MAWA and a Committee member. Barry was MAWA Secretary in 1991 and then President in 1992 and 1993. He has presented at countless Conferences and professional development sessions and organised the Games Weekend. In 1985-86 Barry initiated and then co-authored 40 Mathematical Investigations with Jill Hughes, Barry Kissane and Roly Mortlock. As President, Barry oversaw the appointment of the first full-time Office Manager and then in 1993 the first Professional Officer.


Title: Emeritus Prof.

Year Awarded: 1994

Barry Kissane joined MAWA as a student mathematics teacher in 1970 and been an active member ever since. He served on many MAWA committees, especially concerned with secondary and tertiary activities. He has given many presentations at MAWA conferences. Barry was Sigma Editor (and then co-editor) for some years and also wrote many articles for the journal (later adopting significant roles with AAMT national secondary journals). He wrote some books published by MAWA on the educational use of graphics calculators. Barry served as MAWA President on two separate occasions and represented MAWA on AAMT Council several times (later being elected to the role of AAMT President and appointed as a Life Member of AAMT).


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 1994

Jim Claffey was Secondary Schools representative on the MAWA committee from 1976-83, was Vice President in 1977 and President from 1978-79. He was State Delegate and Council member of AAMT from 1977-83 and helped establish MAWA conferences. In tandem with his work with MAWA, Jim’s advocacy and leadership in mathematics resulted in MAWA conferring life membership at the State Conference in 1994. Jim was also awarded life membership of AAMT.


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 1994
Deceased: 2010

David Buck was best known for his work with beginning teachers. From 1977 to 1991 Dave lectured in mathematics education. Dave edited the Mathematics Student Gazette for a number of years. He was particularly keen for country students to be involved in MAWA activities and he contributed annual prizes for country entries in the Math-O-Quest. In addition, Dave organised the state Math-O-Quest competition for many years.


Title: Dr

Year Awarded: 1994

Dr Jack Bana has been a MAWA Committee Member, President or Board Director for 46 years, and has been Student Activities Coordinator for most of that time. He initiated the Maths Project Competition in the early 1980s, then established the annual MAD (Maths Activity Day) as its replacement in the mid-80s. He also managed the Maths Talent Quest (MTQ) including chairing the NMTQ on two occasions. Jack initiated the Have Sum Fun and Have Sum Fun Online competitions. He was MAWA president for two years, and is a regular presenter at MAWA conferences. On Australia Day 2024, Jack was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for service to tertiary education.


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 1990
Deceased: 2010

Bob McCreddin was a passionate advocate for mathematics throughout his career. He served as Secretary of the Association from 1967-70, was Vice-President in 1971, Committee member in 1976 and Vice-President (Secondary) in 1973, 1978 and 1979, as well as publications convenor. Bob also contributed to many MAWA journals and wrote a number of publications for MAWA.


Title: Dr

Year Awarded: 1980

Dr Norm Hoffman was a founding member of the Association and its President on two occasions. He served on the Committee for many years and was also the convenor of the Publications Subcommittee. He was involved in the establishment of the Association’s library and in many of the Association’s early conferences and seminars.


Title: Mr

Year Awarded: 1976
Deceased: 2018

John Greenway was a foundation committee member of the Association. He continued as a Committee member for many years and was, at different times, President and Secretary of the Association. The Student Gazette was initiated during his Presidency of the Association and he edited it from 1967 to 1972.

Read John’s life story here here


Title: Mrs

Year Awarded: 1974
Deceased: 1999

Bobbie Coghlan was Treasurer of the Association for almost twenty years. Bobbie was also Treasurer for the committee that organized the biennial conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers held in Perth in 1976. She was also instrumental in establishing the Association’s library.


Title: Miss

Year Awarded: 1972
Deceased: 2021

Beryl Hume was a founding member of MAWA and made a major endowment to it when she arranged for all royalties from her book An Introduction to Probability and Statistics to be paid to the Association. She was for a number of years the Association’s librarian and, together with John Greenway, a coordinator of the WA Mathematics Enrichment Course for more than a decade.


Title: Prof.

Year Awarded: 1969
Deceased: 1996

Frank Gamblen was the Association’s Foundation President. He was for many years a member of the Committee and was involved in all of the Association’s early activities. He, more than anyone else, had a major impact on teachers by his example as the mathematics lecturer at UWA and by his many talks at early MAW A meetings and inservice courses. He directed the first residential Western Australian Mathematics Enrichment Course.


Title: Prof.

Year Awarded: 1968
Deceased: 1995

Larry Blakers was the major force behind the establishment of the Association in 1958. He served as Committee member and Vice-President for many years. He was responsible for the establishment of the Association’s library and for its housing in the Mathematics Department at UWA. The student enrichment courses he initiated in Western Australia in the early 1960s became the forerunners of the National Mathematics Summer School.


Title: Prof.

Year Awarded: 1965
Deceased: 1990

Cletus Oakley made major contributions to the Association during his visits to Western Australia. On his first visit in 1964 he endowed the Association with all of the professional fees due to him for a series of 20 school mathematics television broadcasts made for the ABC. He later assigned the royalties from the Australian sales of his text Sets, Relations and Functions to the Association. His suggestion for some form of recognition for the State’s outstanding mathematics students resulted in the Cletus Oakley Medal, which he funded. It is awarded annually by the Association. He was the Association’s first life member.