National Summit on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Mathematics Education

Leaders from the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA) and AAMT’s affiliated state and territory mathematics associations met in person at a National Summit at the University of Adelaide on the 10-11 April 2024.

The purpose of the Summit was to mobilise the mathematics education community of Australia to address Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education in mathematics. As a first step, all delegates at the Summit created a Commitment Statement, which was signed by all delegates, and from the Commitment Statement each State and Territory has developed a draft action plan.

On the final day of the Summit, participants crafted the Commitment Statement below and signed up to being unwavering and accountable in actioning their commitment to achieving positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners.

Please click here to read a more detailed account of how this commitment statement was created.