By becoming a MAWA member you will be joining an extensive family of teachers, parents, students, preservice teachers and university lecturers who are passionate about mathematics and mathematics education in WA.

If your school has under 100 students please contact the office (08) 9345 0388 or to received an additional 15% discount on your institutional membership.


Your membership entitles you to:

  • Membership of The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT)¹
  • Member rates for all MAWA professional learning workshops and conference
  • Member rates for all student activities
  • Member discount on many items in The Maths Store
  • Curriculum Support
  • Free MAWA Maths Meets
  • Welcome pack

¹ – Does not apply to Reciprocal or Family memberships

Reading our e-newsletter, SIGMA, is the best way to keep informed about MAWA news, stories and upcoming events. SIGMA is sent out once a term and may end up in your junk emails the first time. 

Another way to keep up to date with MAWA happenings is via our website or to follow us MAWAinc on our social media platforms:

Members are welcome to get involved and help our association grow. Consider volunteering to host a Have Sum Fun Face-to-Face competition, getting your students involved in Have Sum Fun Online or Live, Maths Talent Quest, or the Victorian Coding Challenge. Secondary teachers, you might encourage your students to apply for WA Maths School or bring some Year 9 girls to Maths Empowering Girls Day.

We also encourage educators to share their knowledge and experience by presenting at the WA Annual Maths Conference.

For your professional learning needs, think of MAWA! Attend one of our workshops or engage us to present school-specific professional learning for your team or network.

Please contact for more information.

Remember that in assisting with events and activities, you are building your criteria for Maths Active School accreditation.

If your school has under 100 students please contact the office (08) 9345 0388 or to received an additional 15% discount on your institutional membership.

Individual Memberships


Concessional/Retired Teacher




Institutional Memberships

Institutional (K-12)

Institutional – Primary

Institutional – Secondary/District High Schools


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Student Memberships

University students