
If you are seeking assistance with a whole school mathematics initiative MAWA offers consultancy services. Consultancy meetings are conducted face-to-face or virtually. We have worked with several schools by proving guidance to research, resources, teaching strategies to support their business plan. Many secondary schools have sort information about whole school numeracy plans.



WA is a large state and MAWA is working to ensure that location or distance from Perth is not a barrier. MAWA’s board directors and staff enjoy visiting country schools to listen to their needs and share information about our activities and services. Our regional ambassadors do a fantastic job keeping teachers in their regional updated on activities MAWA has planned.

When MAWA is in your region you will have the opportunity to book a face-to-face appointment or attend a MAWA Maths Meet.

MAWA’s outreach program has seen us visit Albany, Gnowangerup, Geraldton, Karratha and Port Hedland. We are planning to visit Kalgoorlie in June 2023.

If you would like MAWA Outreach in your region, contact Paula .