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Mathematical Investigations Yrs 5 -9 Master Class | 2021 WA Annual Maths Conference

Paula McMahon

Paula has worked in high schools for more than twenty years. Since 2019 she has worked as the MAWA Executive Officer. Paula has a passion to ensure students demonstrate understanding rather than learning 'maths tricks or rules'.

  • Workshop
  • November 17, 2021, 9:00AM  - November 17, 2021, 3:00PM
  • Membership Price $ 150.00 (includes GST of $ 13.64) per person
    Non-Member Price $ 195.00 (includes GST of $ 17.73) per person
    • Crown Perth Great Eastern Highway Burswood, WA 6100 Australia
  • So many teachers of Year 11 students are frustrated because their students cannot do investigations. This event will be held in Botanical 1 & 2.


This event will be held in Botanical 1 & 2.

So many teachers of Year 11 students are frustrated because their students cannot do investigations. 

We will consider questions such as:
•    What makes a 'good' investigation? 
•    Should all students experience investigations? 
•    Do students magically develop investigative skills? 
•    Are investigations only for secondary students?
•    Should investigations only be used for summative assessment?

This workshop will include opportunities to:
•    identify and incorporate investigative thinking
•    explore tasks that can be used to teach investigative skills
•    understanding the place for the proficiencies in investigations
•    collaborative write some investigations

For maximum benefit attendees are encouraged to bring an investigation to discuss, share and tweak. Prior to the workshop you will be sent an email advising the number of copies you will need to print for this workshop.

Every attendee will receive a complimentary copy of Maths Enrichment Topics Year 5 to 8 by Jack Bana, Linda Marshall and Paul Swan.


  • Crown Perth Great Eastern Highway Burswood, WA 6100 Australia