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Please make sure that you have logged in before registering otherwise you may receive an error at the final registration screen.

If you do not see your name above to the left of this message you are not logged in.

If you do not have a login please click on the person icon() in the top right to register.

(including yourself)? *

Fill in your registration information on this page. If you are registering additional team, you will be able to enter their registration information after you complete this page and click "Continue".
HSF F2F Team Details
Please use the same email address for each team you register.
E.g MAWA Team 1, Mathmagicians, Number Ninja's etc
Event Fee(s) per team
To see member pricing make sure that you have logged into the MAWA website and that your school has a current Membership.
Total Fee(s) for this participant
Billing Name and Address