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Please note if you are not registering yourself or have registered yourself previously then please click on

(Not XXXXXXXXXX, or want to register a different person?) above, if it is showing, so that you do not overwrite your own details.

(including yourself)? *

Fill in your registration information on this page. If you are registering additional people, you will be able to enter their registration information after you complete this page and click "Continue".
Conference Registration
Conference Fee(s)
To see member pricing you have to be logged in and have a membership.

If you cannot see member pricing above but think you should then call (08) 9345 0388.
Days Attending Non-Member (Early Bird)

If you are a student and cannot see the student pricing options below please contact us (08) 9345 0388.

Days Attending Presenter
Total for this participant
Billing Name and Address
Purchase Order Number