At MAWA, we are proud of our business partners with whom we have established Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs). These partnerships are built on mutual respect and collaboration, fostering a progressive and dynamic environment that benefits all parties involved. The support we receive from our partners is invaluable, allowing us to enhance our initiatives and reach our goals.

We invite you to explore the incredible organisations we partner with and consider how your organisation could also engage in a meaningful partnership with MAWA.


Australian Maths Trust

Australian Maths Trust (AMT) is a charity that helps teachers with resources and opportunities to enable their students to develop their problem-solving skills. 

AMT offers annual events, like the internationally recognised Australian Mathematics Competition, and enrichment programs that run over a series of weeks or months.

Other activities help build students’ computational and algorithmic thinking and support STEM skill development and the maths and informatics Olympiad pathways offer students an opportunity to achieve excellence at the highest levels. 

Problemo is AMT’s newest online offering for teachers and is designed to transform the teaching and learning of mathematical problem solving in any classroom. It has a large bank of quality problems per year group, complete with enabling and extending prompts, sample lesson cards and worked solutions. Visit problemo here

Developed alongside Australian teachers from across the country, Problemo is the ‘go to’ place for maths problem solving.


Bond Blocks

Bond Blocks is a whole school system designed to build strong foundations in mathematics. These ready-to-go resources, which include the wooden Bond Block Sets, are designed to help students move from counting to calculating with addition and subtraction:

  • Counting to 10 with Bond Blocks (Pre-Foundation)
  • Counting to 20 with Bond Blocks (Foundation)
  • Bond Blocks Core Intervention Kit used for Mental Maths (Years 1 to 3)
  • Bond Blocks Core Intervention Kit used for Maths Intervention (Years 1 to 6)

The Bond Blocks Core Intervention Kit is a resource of 100 sequenced activities to comprehensively teach all Addition and Subtraction content from Years 1 to 3, including application to word problems and related algebra. Every activity is modelled in a short video, demonstrating how to connect the physical materials, mathematical language and symbols. This resource includes a placement test, tracking tools and extensive teacher professional learning. The Bond Blocks system is built on a Concrete-Representational-Abstract approach. Every activity specifies the mathematical content and language to support explicit teaching.

Bond Blocks was created by Western Australian teacher Narelle Rice with the support of Dr Paul Swan.

Website:                            Email:

Numero Extended Wordmark

Independent Education and Training (IET)

Independent Education and Training (IET) is a family-based company formed to publish and distribute Numero®.  Numero itself is owned by Alzheimer’s WA, with royalties from all products going to this charity.  IET is owned and operated by Julie Richards, who is the daughter of Numero’s creator, Frank Drysdale.  Julie works to promote and teach the use of Numero in classrooms all over Australia, with an emphasis on Western Australia, although it is now being played elsewhere, and in a multitude of countries around the world.

Numero is a mental maths resource suitable for all years of primary and secondary education. It can play an important role in developing the proficiency strands of the Australian Curriculum Mathematics, especially with fluency, problem solving and reasoning. Numero is ideal for introducing and reinforcing both simple and complex maths concepts within a game situation.

Numero comes in products suitable for all situations, from standard cards for use in classrooms, to A5 demonstration packs for use with early years, books with challenges for higher order thinkers and the Numero App for digital use across all platforms.

Phone: 0409 082 291         Website:          Email:

Kennedy Press

MAWA is proud to partner with Kennedy Press to work towards our shared goal of improving mathematics understanding for Western Australian children. MAWA’s executive officer, Paula McMahon, works with Tierney Kennedy to run training courses and larger projects across WA. Kennedy Press resources are also available through the MAWA shop, including:

  • “Interleaved Maths Essential Connections” which was written at the request of MAWA for year 11 and 12 Essential Maths as well as addressing OLNA concerns
  • “Interventions in Maths: Fixing Misconceptions” series, which includes five books for addressing common misconceptions
  • “Back to Front Maths” series, for primary and junior secondary classes

Website:   Email:

Phone: 07 3040 1177

Network Teach

Network Teach

Network Teach is an independent, not for profit and non-political Education Association proudly supporting Western Australia’s teachers, trainee teachers, education assistants and school leaders.

Network Teach provides a leading range of free and heavily subsidised professional learning opportunities for its members with an aim to ensure greater accessibility and affordability for the WA education community.

Despite being a full service Education Association, Network Teach continues its tradition of supporting aspiring teachers and is recognised as Australia’s leading and largest organisation to support aspiring teachers.

We proudly partner and are sponsored by education based organisations who assist us to provide our free or heavily subsidised learning opportunities to our members.

To become FREE lifetime member simply register via:


Revise Online

Revise Online

Improve assessment outcomes and ATAR scores for your Year 11 & 12 students using ReviseOnline’s unique online revision portal. 

From our bank of thousands of WACE specific questions, students generate ATAR standard practice tests and exams, replicating the exam experience and learning from our sample responses and marking keys to maximise scores. 

Teachers can monitor student progress, view analytics, determine strengths and weaknesses and provide feedback direct to students from their own Teacher Portals – saving time and better allocating resources to provide help where it’s really needed.

You can even deliver your summative assessments via our brand NEW, online, secure Formal Assessment Portal.

Website:     Email:

The Maths Show

The Maths Show

Have fun with The Maths Show! If you’re looking for something fun, engaging and different to do in maths, The Maths Show may be just what you need! The Maths Show is a live performance for students that is:

  • Highly entertaining and lots of fun
  • A unique way to build student engagement in maths
  • Full of maths history, puzzles, maths magic and more
  • A great way to have students see maths from a different perspective
  • Easy to organise – we come to your school
  • Sure to promote maths reasoning and problem solving skills.

Suitable for for Junior Secondary and Primary students. We are available in Perth and regularly tour regional areas. An online/virtual version of the show is also available – especially suitable for remote schools. We are proudly sponsored by MAWA with a 10% discount for members. Perfect for a Maths / STEAM Week or Day or end of year activity. To find out more, contact us today.

It was awesome! The performer was engaging and hilarious. The kids loved the show!
Libby Foley, Chevallum State School

Website:         Email:

Phone: 0402 223406

World of Maths

We are an interactive travelling maths show with unique problem solving activities designed and hand-made by us. We visit 100s of Primary and Secondary schools all over Western Australia every year and engage students from Pre-Primary to Year 10. Our wide range of over 150 interactive activities help students discover different and brighter ways of doing maths. It all started in 1990, when an Australian maths teacher developed hands-on maths activities for his kids.  He could see the link between problem-solving and learning, and extended this approach to schools. Since then, we have continued crafting activities that use real-life examples and that meet the school curriculum.  We have hidden all kinds of complex maths problems in our activities. This means students instead focus on the full sensory experience to come up with solutions – listening, watching, reading, speaking, and manipulating ideas with their hands.

We cater for all learning abilities. The activities are safe to use and encourage students to go at their own pace and ability. There are no expectations – it’s all about the learning journey, it doesn’t necessarily matter what the outcome is, as long as everyone ‘gives it a go’.

We love what we do. We are passionate about making a difference because we believe that every student deserves an opportunity to learn in unique ways.

