The next AGM of your organisation on 29 April 2025 at 6:30pm.
Please see the draft agenda below.
MAWA Office, 12 Cobbler Place Mirrabooka and Virtually (Online)
Click here to RSVP
Please note: MAWA urgently needs member support by attendance at our AGM along with RSVPs to ensure we meet our legal requirement of having the necessary quorum.
1. Opening of Meeting
2. Attendance and Apologies
3. Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
4. Presentation of Annual Report by the President
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Special Business (if any)
7. Election of new MAWA Board and Committees
8. Vote of thanks to outgoing Board Directors
9. Closure
Annual Reports
Forms and Constitution
If you wish to nominate for a position on the Board or a committee, please complete the relevant application/nomination form. If you are unable to attend the AGM, you may appoint a proxy using the appropriate nomination form. All nomination & proxy forms will need to be returned to MAWA by email to manager@mawainc.org.au by close of business 2 days before the AGM. Late forms will be disregarded.