2024 WA Annual Maths Conference


The Mathematical Association of Western Australia hosted the 2024 WA Annual Maths Conference at the Crown Convention Centre, Burswood 20 – 22 November.

The annual conference aimed to assist teachers from early childhood education, primary, secondary, and post-secondary with their professional knowledge, practice, and engagement in mathematics education. All three days were open to educators from K-12+ with Wednesday being aimed at Leaders’.

The theme for 2024 was “Maths growth for all”.

Esteemed educators, mathematicians, and researchers came together to share their insights, strategies, and innovative approaches that empower students to unlock their mathematical potential. From kindergarten to higher education, educators explored how to cultivate a growth mindset in learners, fostering a deep love and understanding of mathematics and how we as teachers can integrate that into our teaching practices and classrooms.

We were delighted to announce that Chris Smith joined us as a keynote speaker on Thursday and Aylie Davidson as a keynote speaker on Friday.

Chris Smith

Chris Smith speaks about Maths, tweets about Maths, writes about Maths, sings about Maths and even dreams about Maths…He has a weekly Maths newsletter with over 5000 subscribers worldwide and his Mathsy resources have been downloaded over two million times. Chris was crowned Scottish Teacher of the Year in 2017 and awarded an MBE in the King’s 2024 New Years Honours List for services to Mathematics Education and the community in East Ayrshire.

Maths Circle are proud keynote sponsors of
Chris Smith.

Aylie Davidson

Aylie Davidson is a lecturer and early career researcher in mathematics education at Deakin University. She is an experienced mathematics educator having worked in teaching and leadership roles in metropolitan and regional school settings, initial teacher education, and project leadership for the Department of Education Victoria. Aylie’s research examines ways to help teachers work together to plan learning sequences and experiences in numeracy and mathematics that involve innovative pedagogies. More recently, she has worked with primary and secondary middle school leaders to build their capacity and confidence to lead numeracy and mathematics.  Her other research interests include mathematical reasoning, the use of challenging tasks to support diverse learners, and student engagement. Aylie enjoys working with and learning from teachers and school leaders to make learning relevant, practical and sustainable. Aylie is regularly engaged by teacher associations and school networks, being recognised as an educator who is able to translate research into practice in meaningful ways that inspire innovation and positively impacts student learning and engagement.


A special thanks to Business Events Perth for sponsoring this event.



We would also like to thank the Department of Education WA for their generous sponsorship grant to enable four graduate teachers to attend the conference.