2022 WA Annual Maths Conference
The Mathematical Association of Western Australia hosted the 2022 WA Annual Maths Conference at the Crown Convention Centre, Burswood from 16 – 18 November 2022.
The annual conference aims to assist teachers from early childhood education, primary, secondary, and post-secondary with their professional knowledge, practice, and engagement in mathematics education. The Heads of Learning Area Day was held on Wednesday followed by the Secondary and Post-Secondary day on Thursday and the combined Primary and Secondary day on Friday.
Our theme “Maths: A journey, not a destination” highlighted that mathematics should be about the processes and not the product. The conference aims to support teachers to focus on the processes of teaching and assessing mathematics.
We were delighted that Dr Peter Liljedahl was able to join us virtually as Thursday’s keynote and Dr Katherin Cartwright delivered our keynote in person on Friday.

Dr. Peter Liljedahl
Dr. Peter Liljedahl is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University and author of the best-selling book, Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (Grades K-12): 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning.
Peter is a former high school mathematics teacher who has kept his research interest and activities close to the classroom. He consults regularly with teachers, schools, school districts, and ministries of education on issues of teaching and learning, problem solving, assessment, and numeracy.

Dr. Katherin Cartwright
Katherin Cartwright is a passionate mathematics educator and is currently a sessional lecturer and tutor at The University of Sydney teaching mathematics to primary education students. Katherin completed her PhD in 2021 on teachers’ understanding of mathematical fluency and the characteristics of fluency students display at The University of Sydney. She is currently part of a research project focusing on Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics and Science (ELEMS).
She is also one of the teacher mentors for the university’s Primary STEM Academy. Katherin is an active member of MANSW and is currently on the MANSW executive and is secretary of the PreK-8 PAM committee. Katherin loves teaching and loves talking about mathematics, curriculum, and pedagogy. Katherin is a primary school teacher and worked for the NSW Department of Education for 20 years and has a particular interest in researching mathematics approaches for primary teachers that will have a future impact on classroom practice.