2021 WA Annual Maths Conference
The Mathematical Association of Western Australia held the 2021 WA Annual Maths Conference at the Crown Convention Centre, Burswood 17 – 19 November.
The annual conference aims to assist teachers from early childhood education, primary, secondary and post-secondary with their professional knowledge, practice and engagement in mathematics education.
As a result of the global pandemic, society is experiencing the ways in which mathematics can be used to communicate statistics, explain reasons for actions and identify the effectiveness of vaccinations.
However, using mathematics to explain the world is not new as mathematics has led the way for centuries. Our theme Maths: Leading the way will give you the opportunity to explore the endless possibilities that maths provides.
The program is available to download here.
We were pleased to have Catherine Attard as our keynote speaker on Thursday and Dr. James Tanton as our keynote speaker on Friday.

Catherine Attard
Catherine is an Associate Professor in mathematics education and Deputy Director of Research within the School of Education. Catherine’s research is focused on student engagement with mathematics and issues surrounding the pedagogical practices that influence students’ engagement. Catherine is also researching contemporary teaching practices through the use of digital technologies. Catherine has won several teaching awards, including a 2016 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Teaching Excellence Award, an Office of Learning and Teaching citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning and the Western Sydney University Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching Award. She regularly presents workshops and keynotes nationally and internationally and is the current President of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) a past president of the Mathematical Association of New South Wales (MANSW), and past editor of the professional journal, Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. Catherine is also the author of the leading mathematics education blog, engagingmaths.com, as well as the author of several popular mathematics teacher resource books.

Dr. James Tanton
James earned his PhD in mathematics from Princeton University. He is an author, a consultant, and ambassador for the Mathematical Association of America in Washington D.C. and a founder of the Global Math Project, an initiative to transform the entire world’s perception of what mathematics can, and should, be. This program has now reached over 6 million students and teachers across the planet. James has taught mathematics both at university and high-school institutions. He advises on curriculum, consults with teachers, and gives demonstration classes, lectures, and professional development sessions across the globe. James is also a recipient of a Joint Policy Board for Mathematics communication award for 2020.
James is Australian, and currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona.