Primary Conference 18th November

Secondary Conference 18th & 19th November

Numeracy Leaders K-12 and HOLA Forum 20th November




An established primary school teacher, Penny has taught a range of year levels across different schools in the Independent sector of Western Australia. She has also worked as a Curriculum Coordinator, a Sessional Academic for Curtin University and has collaborated with the Australian Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) and School Curriculum Standards Authority (SCSA) to complete action research projects and write sample teaching and learning programs. In 2017, Penny was a state winner for the National Excellence in Teaching Awards. Recently Penny has presented at the Mathematics Association of Victoria Making + Connections Mathematics conference in Melbourne.   Penny has a passion for inquiry and integrating cultures of thinking into all mathematics lessons to encourage deeper thinking and knowledge among her students, and this will be the focus of her involvement at the conference.




Eddie Woo teaches mathematics at Cherrybrook Technology High School in Sydney, Australia, and he is the Leader of Mathematics Growth for the New South Wales Department of Education. He uploads his everyday classroom lessons to his Youtube channel, Wootube, which has more than 500,000 subscribers and over 29 million views. In 2018, he was named Australia’s Local Hero in the Australian of the Year Awards and listed as one of the Top 10 teachers in the world by the Global Teacher Prize. He is the Education Ambassador for Sydney University, a children’s TV host and the author of Woo’s Wonderful World of Maths.

Penny’s Keynote Presentation

Eddie’s Keynote Presentation

Here’s what people had to say about the 2019 conference!

We really enjoyed your [Paula McMahon’s] session at MAWA’s conference this year.  In fact I enjoyed and took something away, whether it be resources or something to think about and try to implement, from every session I attended this year. By far one of the best MAWA conferences I have attended.
~ Secondary Teacher, Eastern Goldfields College


Keynote and workshop with Penny Crossland were most useful. I am going to teach my students Numero and implement some of Penny Crossland’s strategies. ~ Early Years Teacher, St Mary’s Primary School


I believe that MAWA listened and helped secondary teachers come together and discuss writing investigations with the new guidelines from SCSA. ~ Secondary Teacher, Willetton Senior High School