Playing with Place Value

Sheila Griffin
  • Workshop
  • April 03, 2025, 9:00AM  - April 03, 2025, 3:00PM
  • Member $ 255.00 (includes GST of $ 23.18) per person
    Non-Member $ 355.00 (includes GST of $ 32.27) per person
    Student Member $ 153.00 (includes GST of $ 13.91) per person
    • 12 Cobbler Place Mirrabooka, WA 6061 Australia
  • Building a deep understanding of place value is essential for students to develop strong number sense. This workshop will unpack common misconceptions and showcase routines that support whole school approaches. Targeted at Year 1 to Secondary.


Participants will learn hands on activities that allow for whole class engagement while providing opportunities for effective differentiation, assessment and intervention. Register now to immerse yourself in the big idea of place value and leave with ideas to use in the classroom the next day! This workshop will assist secondary numeracy coordinators support OLNA students.


  • 12 Cobbler Place Mirrabooka, WA 6061 Australia